
I wasn't born with allergies, far less food allergies and coeliac disease- things I never thought I'd be dealing with.

My symptoms crept up slowly over the years, then reached crisis point sometime in 2009. After a lot of research, reading and finally paying up for a private doctor on Jan 2010, I found my path again, although it does seem I have a few more allergies or intolerances that have crept up since that time. At this time of writing I'm gluten free, dairy free, soy free and seafood free. I also need to avoid glucose, dextrose, maltodextrose, lactose and lactate, casein, starches, and caramel food colouring or I break out into a third degree burn like rash which is as painful as it is itchy. 

I started this blog as a means of giving my boyfriend, Mr Umami, a resource for when he'd like to cook for me, since I need to adapt even my gluten-free recipes substantially. It's a sort of S.O.P manual for cooking for me, but I hope other people find it useful as well.

How To Use This Site
To find recipes alphabetically by main ingredients check out the recipe index, or get inspired by checking out my bookmarks on delicious. These are usually the sources I adapt my recipes from. 

Quod Te Nutrit means "what nourishes you". It's a variation of the latin phrase meaning "what nourishes me, destroys me". I hate the phrase 'the staff of life' as applied to wheat! 


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